Events in 2020

Ishuwa Live Video Stream in Lithuania

Encounters of the Yahyel Kind

Saturday, August 29, 202:
9:00pm - 11:00pm, CEST

This Live Video Stream will be broadcast from the event center:
Laumiu Namai in Lavoriškės, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lithuania.

First ET Arrivals: How, Who, When and Where...
Ishuwa of the Yahyel will describe how, who, when and where our galactic family's first arrivals may unfold with us on Earth. He will share this information through the channel, Shaun Swanson.

Galactic Heart Wisdom Activations...
There will also be a guided interactive meditation to bring through the Heart Wisdom Activations. They can awaken more of your inner knowledge that knows how you can create the most enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding life experiences each day.

To Attend This Event

ET Contact Retreat in Hawaii

ExtraTerrestrial Awakening

March 2nd - March 8th, 2020:
On the Big Island of Hawaii.
$2,999 includes food and overnight accommodations.
(Airfare not included)

This is a multi-day event that features Reuben Langdon, Gita Rose, Victoria Bliss, and Shaun Swanson.

This Contact Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii includes Workshops, Adventure Hikes, Snorkeling with Dolphins, Meditations, Breathwork, Yoga Classes, and Live Channeling Sessions. There will also be Dream Work and CE-5 Contact Meditations under the bright stars of Hawaii.

Details and Register here